Volume 4 - March 1996 - Number 1
- EDITORIAL - Sharif Gemie, p.1
FEATURES (abstracts)
- 'Free love' in Imperial Germany : Anarchism and
Patriarchy 1870-1918 - Hubert van den Berg, p.3
The European Road to Nowhere : Anarchism and Direct
Action against the UK Roads Programme - Ian Welsh and Phil McLeish,
Anarchism and Nationalism in East Asia - John
Crump, p.45
Taming the Market : Capitalism and the State - Michael Levin, p.65
All American Anarchism - Tony Powell, p.68
Anti-Art : The Limits of Critique - Leigh Starcross, p.70
Papers about People and Power - Peter Cadogan, p76
Revolution and Evolution - Ruth Kinna, p.80
- John Crump, Hatta Shuzo and Pure Anarchism in Interwar Japan
- Mark Shipway, p.84
Donald C. Hodges, Mexican Anarchism after the Revolution - Greg Hall,
Jerome R. Mintz, The Anarchists of Casas Viejas - Richard Cleminson,
Helena Flam (ed.), States and Anti-Nuclear Movements - Jon Purkis,
Pierre Joseph Proudhon, What is Property? - David Hartley, p.89
Gui Debord, In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni - Julian Cowley,
Christopher Lasch, The True and Only Heaven - Sharif Gemie, p.92
Murray Bookchin, Which Way for the Ecology Movement? - Andrew
Belsey, p.93
Clarence S. Darrow, Resist Not Evil. - Andrew Rigby, p.94
'Free Love' in Imperial Germany: Anarchism and Patriarchy 1870-1918
During the turn-of-the-century anarchists proposed 'free love' as an alternative
to the bourgeois organisation of gender relations, especially to bourgeois
marriage. 'Free love' was also seen as the anarchist counterpart of feminism,
advocating women's suffrage and equal economic opportunities. In current
historiography, particularly in the case of Emma Goldman, this idea is usually
seen as an important move towards a genuine anarchist feminism. A closer
examination of the anarchist debate in Wilhelmine Germany suggests another
conclusion. In the context of low female participation in the anarchist
movement, a virulent antifeminism, as well as the fact that the concept
of 'free love' was combined with an explicit rejection of female engagement
in wage-labour, anarchist 'free love' seems rather to have contributed to
the realisation and preservation of the patriarchal order.
The European Road to Nowhere: Anarchism and Direct Action against the
UK Roads Programme
This article contextualises one activist's account of the resistance to
the construction of the M11 link road through Wanstead in London during
1994. The account offered illustrates numerous issues of considerable importance
for both theory and praxis within 'green movements' in the late twentieth
century. Whilst the action described is not claimed as an example of anarchist
praxis, its relevance to key debates for anarchists and anarchist sympathisers
are highlighted. It is argued that recent attempts to make the European
Union policy community more open to 'bottom up' initiatives, combined with
the European-wide nature of the Union's road programme, constitute an arena
within which the British experience of direct action against roads provides
the basis for a European wide network of resistance.
Anarchism and Nationalism in East Asia
In contrast to anarchism in Japan and China, anarchism in Korea has been
notable for the extent to which it has been permeated by nationalism and
also for the Korean anarchists' readiness over many years to engage in conventional
politics. The immediate reasons for these peculiarities of Korean anarchism
would seem to lie in Korea's colonial subjugation by Japan from 1910 to
1945 and the division of the country after 1945. It is argued that, under
the conditions which can occur in a 'Third World', anti-colonial setting,
it is the emphasis which anarchism lays on decentralisation and local autonomy,
important though these attributes are, which exposes it to the danger of
degenerating into nationalism. On the other hand, it is further argued that
anarchism is also equipped with principles which, if the danger is sufficiently
recognised, can be invoked so as to safeguard anarchism from nationalist
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